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Regional Walleye Fishing -> Winnebago Walleyes -> Crawlering...... reports
Message Subject: Crawlering...... reports
Posted 8/30/2007 2:40 PM (#60707 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: Re: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 591

Location: in the boat off the east shore somewhere
i have to make this short,,. i noticed on the schedual the august event at camp randal... took axl's advise and being an august event next year tried to get a jump on my pre-crawlering this year wile its still august... wile out last night with my flashlight , i was working the 20-30 yardline left hash and i looked up and saw about a dozen flashlights comming towards me at a high rate of speed ,,, wow i thaught , now i can talk to some fellow local crawlers and get some hot spots for next year... the next thing i knew i had a mouth full of artifical turf i was being tazored and my coolwhip container was melting im my hand.... thank god i didnt find any crawlers yet or they would have been fried... now im stripped naked and my own flashlight was used against me as i was questioned over and over again ,, they said there is no evidence of the CU or the NCA & MWCA... i stuck to my story but they think im holding out on them.... anyway im stuck here in Mad town.... they wont let me go until i tell them what they want to hear... i just dont know what that is? are there any fellow crawlers out there that have some pull? can anyone get me out of this? does this CU NCA or MWCA exsist? you guys are full of #### arent you? WHAT KIND OF SICK TWISTED PERSON WOULD START THIS THREAD.... YOUR ACTIONS AFFECT OTHERS LIVES!!!!!!!!!! NOW WILL SOMONE PLEASE GET ME OUT OF THIS MESS?
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Posted 8/31/2007 4:06 PM (#60754 - in reply to #60707)
Subject: Re: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 3899

That's why you can't fish tomorrow! Call Trautman. He lives in Madtown. Let it ring long, as he will be outside, precrawlering.
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Posted 10/2/2007 2:38 AM (#62016 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: RE: Crawlering...... reports

Anyone been out crawelering lately. i have never had much luck with all these south winds lately. If you had to hire a crawler guide, who would all of you guys suggest? It sounds to me like most of you have given up crawlering for the year, or are you all crawlering in the woods now? Also, who was the winner of the Crawler Championship, and why ws WalleyeFirst not doing a live broadcast on this awesome event?
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Posted 10/4/2007 4:04 PM (#62169 - in reply to #62016)
Subject: RE: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 591

Location: in the boat off the east shore somewhere
sorry the crawlering has gone underground as we have dicovered that our state legislature is planing on making us buy a stamp and want to meet with us reguarding registration and fees for having a tournament.. im not a hard core crawler and therfore have not earned the respect of the competitive crawlers out there but the reason you havent gottn a responce to your post , between me and you is that the boys are laying low.... it started out when one of the big names got there garage searched and they seezed a coolwhip container with some sponsors on it ... they took all the crawlers in his fridge and his maglight. something about using the peoples natural resourses for personal gain. either way dont think they are ignoring your post , im sure there is a secret meeting going on ... im sure all the crawler insiders are there,,,, im sure they will serface in time.. when its time they will call upon us to join the fight,,, and our sheer noumbers will rise up to defend our rights ,,,
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Posted 10/4/2007 4:49 PM (#62171 - in reply to #62169)
Subject: Re: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 2393

Location: Waukesha Wisconsin
Anyone know any late season secrets to prevent your equipment and crawlers from freezing? Anyone use antifreeze with their cool whip containers? How do you keep your batteries in top shape?

I know it's not legal in tournaments but I am able to extend my season by using electronic probes. Works good when sticking it into the ground too.

Shep tells me his secret is working areas around in-ground pools. Says the ground doesn't freeze as quick.

Anyone else have secrets they want to share?

Brad, I'll be happy to pay for a stamp as long as they do not put a limit on the amount of crawlers I can keep. Unfortunately I also heard that they are thinking about putting on restrictions on when we can crawler. Anyone else hear that they are prohibiting any catch and keep of crawlers during July?
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Posted 10/5/2007 2:48 PM (#62231 - in reply to #62171)
Subject: Re: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 3899

That's it, Sunshine. No more secrets for you!

Besides, you don't answer my e-mails anymore. I invited you to fish the Fox with me, and you ignored me. Sheesh! I'm busy the next two weekends. After that, I will have opening seats.
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Posted 10/13/2007 9:56 AM (#62492 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: Re: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 591

Location: in the boat off the east shore somewhere
my best Night crawlering this year.... it was a nice evening but didnt rain in weeks,, i was desperate .... wile out crawlering i came across the mother load a few days before the mws tourny out of green bay,,, wile crawlering i found about a dozen dozen .. a gross you could say of the nicest crawlers iv ever seen.. all looked like they were hand washed and kissed goodnight every evening before bedtime.... also found a perfectly good pork rhine and hot beef stick still in the wrapper... and a swisher sweet wood tip .... ive gone back to this spot several times and it seems to have dried up,,,, so i guess the big tuffy in the hooters parking lot is fair game if anyone sees it... just trying to help out ... late season crawlering can be tuff.. any tips would be appreciated...
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Buss Bedding
Posted 10/28/2007 2:42 AM (#62857 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: RE: Crawlering...... reports

The First Annual Crawler Power Ratings sponsored by BUSS BEDDING came out today after a secret meeting with the NCA and the MWLA. The following are the top ten crawlers in the world.......

1. Purple Skeeter
2. AXL
3. Butch
4. Jerry
5. budsbud66
6. Sunshine
8. Viking
9. Shep
10. TYEE

Honorable mentions:

This just in, the top ten has had an issue with the following people violating league rules. The rules state that there can be no use of an electronic device to contact people during an event. It has come to our attention, that Shep and Sunshine have been using Motorola Phones in their quest for a title. They have therefore been banned from any further events this year. This is official, as the complaint has come to us in writing. We are looking into it as we type. Does anyone else have any more complaints we should know about???
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Posted 1/7/2008 2:17 PM (#64600 - in reply to #62857)
Subject: RE: Crawlering...... reports

Just checked the driveway at 2:13 pm, and although there were signs present, no crawlers to be found. I would of thunk with all this rain we got today, the run was on!
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Purple Skeeter
Posted 1/7/2008 4:55 PM (#64607 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: Re: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 885

I just checked the refrig in the garage where I keep my boat and the crawlers I left there from November are dead... I'm so sorry, please don't turn me into the crawler protection services.

I tried to release them onto the exposed ground, but they all died of blunt force impact while trying the dig their poor little bodies into the frozen turf.

On another note... my sub pump hole in the basement would make a great livewell right now... if I can get it to pass a test for VHS or CDW etc.... it sounds like it's pumping water out faster than my boat did last summer when I launched without the plug in.

Edited by Purple Skeeter 1/7/2008 5:00 PM
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Posted 1/7/2008 5:19 PM (#64610 - in reply to #64607)
Subject: Re: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 160

Location: Menasha, WI
I tried to release them onto the exposed ground, but they all died of blunt force impact while trying the dig their poor little bodies into the frozen turf.

PS, are you sure it was the blunt force impact or was it your release technique? You do know that the proper way to release a crawler back into the wild is to hold it by the collar and support its underside while it attempts to burrough, correct?

I will be holding a class on proper crawler handling this spring, feel free to E-mail me at [email protected] for more details on this event.
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Posted 3/11/2008 12:54 PM (#66984 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: Re: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 591

Location: in the boat off the east shore somewhere
NEW rules ...... permits for crawler tournaments will only be granted for the hours between 7am and 5pm central durning the months of jan feb march and november dec... according to my sources anyone caught crawlering out of season or without a permit will be subject to fine; these new proposals need to be stopped... sources also tell me that for a major contribution to a top secret elected official we could have a chance to stop this before it starts.. can anyone confirm this ? where do we send our checks? also any word on the 08 season? is it me or is somone dropping the ball? how am i supposed to plan my vacation time? and to cool whip im tired of the run around! im taking my country crock container from last year ... spending my own money to get a sweet container WRAP done that says... YOUR NAME HERE! mag light , craftsman knee pads , and energizer battaries YOUR NEXT ... no more free advertizing and firemans parades for this guy! i do have a series of underground caves near my home that i am looking for a fellow crawler guy to check out... miles of cavern below the frost line... the potential this time of year is ....well its.... well im afraid to go look... i would be willing to tie a string to one of you guys so you dont get lost down there ... im afraid of the dark and clostrophobic...... any takers....? purple skeeter ...SHAME on you! blunt force impact? frozen turf? no wonder we need regulation! my new book will be out soon... Crawlering for dummies ... got the idia from you guys ... sory i didnt mention any of you... axl, skeeter , shep tyee, sunshine , bud, sworel viking , jery,,, coulnt have done it without stealing all your idias.... axl? any word on that clinic on crawler handling.... and if i fizzz a crawler what are the noumbers on post crawler tourny mortality.... ?
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Mark Komo
Posted 4/8/2008 10:46 PM (#68166 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: Re: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 1195

Location: Orland Park, IL
Any new reports? Rain pounded down here. Not good news for the Illinois River, but alas, most tournaments done.

Any change in sponsors?
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Purple Skeeter
Posted 4/9/2008 12:31 AM (#68167 - in reply to #60707)
Subject: Re: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 885


It's 12:22 am and I'm still in my office working... I can hear the rain on my skylights but I'm not sure it is warm enough for the crawlers to spawn yet. On Sunday, I had to cut the grass on the south side of the house, but on the north side, the ground is frozen and I had 3 feet of snow. I had Crawlers for Tomorrow install grass strips across my driveway to help get the spawnners across the cement.

Oh how I long for those long summer nights, bent half over (no jokes here) with flashlight in hand and a magnum cool whip container in the other, just hoping I can pull a 12 incher this year. I'm getting it mounted if I get that lucky.

If I close my eyes, I can see myself in the middle of Bago right now, running 6 boards, all with my new super triple threat spinning vortex of doom crawler harnesses.... aaaahh yes... I can see it now... a whole cooler full of refreshments and another full of crawlers...

Here's to hoping I never get the 2 mixed up!

Purple Skeeter
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Posted 4/9/2008 7:17 AM (#68171 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: RE: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 160

Location: Menasha, WI
Purple Skeeter,

I have a few questions on these grass strips that you installed. Can you please elaborate on the size and shape of them? Were they made from Kentucky Blue Grass? Also, is Scott's Fertilizer and Weed-B-Gone still interested in sponsorship with you? I told you to give them my name, I hope it helps. My newest sponsor for the 2008 season is John Deere's new aerator system in a 52 inch deck, awesome machine, and nothing runs like a deere baby! I hope this helps put a 12 inch crawler in my new high tech storage system, but more details on this soon. Good luck to all in the 2008 season, and I hope to see you all at an upcoming NCA meeting.
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Mark Komo
Posted 4/11/2008 1:28 PM (#68248 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: Re: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 1195

Location: Orland Park, IL
There's been quite the buzz in these parts about a CAN-AM. Since cross border transportation is nearly impossible, hows the NCA gonna handle that? Perhaps a function of the advisorty panel (of which I hear some seats are opening up soon!)

Also, looking forward to the new wraps coming out.

Edited by Mark Komo 4/11/2008 1:29 PM
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Posted 4/13/2008 11:02 PM (#68328 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: RE: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 64

Location: Winneconne
Im goin for broke this year in the NCA and am gonna try to win it all, went out tonight with my daughter for her 13th birthday to a new undisclosed spot down the road and found some ultra magnum crawlers, these 12"ers you guys are longing for wont be any match for some of the ones i found tonight, youll all come in scratching your heads wondering what yer gonna have to do to catch up in the standings........................
oh and by the way...........im trying to do this with NO corporate sponsorship this season............let the picking begin
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Mark Komo
Posted 4/14/2008 7:50 AM (#68334 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: Re: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 1195

Location: Orland Park, IL
At least you got someone to split expenses with, which is nice. Sounds like you got your pre crawlering program down.

When will the NCA Ironman listings be out?
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Posted 4/14/2008 5:16 PM (#68363 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: Re: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 591

Location: in the boat off the east shore somewhere
well i spent the day seagulling the fat robbins on the old football field accross from the house, for unexperianced competitive crawlers such as myself.. i just move around until i see the competion have success.... I E . the fat robbins in the neighborhood... they let you get pretty close , then fly away if they get too frustraited with your tacktics.... many a days i was able to scrape up a limmit by seagulling ......... im not proud of it.. just looking at the results, as it is a points race isnt it? lol on the triple threat vortex of doom... ive seen this invention but also have not had the chance to see it work , its going to be interesting. i think the vortex will work fine until one of the hooks drives itself into the forehead of a sheepshead... im afraid the vortex combined with the massive resistance of a sheepy spinning the opposite direction along with the gravitational pull of the earth and molecular structure of what ever this harness is made of, may turn out to be the makings of ( the perfect STORM!!) but hey , im no weather guy....
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Posted 4/14/2008 8:02 PM (#68368 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: RE: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 1406

Well the season is upon us. After extensive work last fall the playing field is nearly complete. With a field rich of potting soil and 4 truckloads of "imported" pulverized black top soil 12" deep. I have planted enough earthworms to help improve the quality of the field as they are the most important nonmicroscopic soil dweller.

There are a select few jumbo crawlers that have been strategically tagged and planted. These few monsters will be more than adequate to allow the contestants to immediately notify tournamnet directors in the event they catch one so they can send over the official weights and measurers person to verify the trophy so it can be properly released to be caught again!

Earthworms are probably the most important nonmicroscopic soil dwellers. I have been advised to plant spawn (young worms in all stages of growth) for two reasons: (1) the newly hatched worms will adapt themselves more readily than mature worms to their new environment, and (2) they conserve my more valuable breeding stock for further egg capsule production. This will allow ample supply for everyone to fill their coolwhip containers.

With a little luck and good weather maybe I can host the 2008 NCA Grand Championships at the end of the season! I have secured a number of great sponsors including a large excaviting firm, a large landscaping company, Cub Cadet, Swisher lawn equipment corporation, Scotts and Ortho!

Good Luck

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Posted 4/16/2008 9:59 PM (#68458 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: Re: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 64

Location: Winneconne
my daughter and i went to our new "honey hole" again and ended up with 15 1/2 dozen in a mere 30 minutes, again, caught some pretty nice ultra magnums...........at this rate, im sure to be ranked near the top for most of the NCA season!!!!!!
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Purple Skeeter
Posted 4/17/2008 11:01 AM (#68472 - in reply to #68458)
Subject: Re: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 885


The board of directors has just come out of our first quarter meeting and it was once again confirmed in section a, subsection 2g, that "no member of the NCA will willfully catch, whether for personal or competition, any crawlers from any said honey hole, unless such honey hole is forwarded in advance of any said crawlering activity to the board of directors for prior approval. At such time, upon approval, the NCA will enact a 25% bounty fee for a period not to exceed 12 months or 20 dozen 12 inch crawlers"

As the current President, I'm sorry to inform you that you are in violation of section a, subsection 2g and therefore must take the following action to maintain your good standing in the NCA:

#1 Forward to the NCA headquarters in Menasha, 20 dozen, 12 inch crawlers to be packed in Styrofoam 24 inch square containers loaded with 6 inches of Buss bedding.
#2 cease all crawlering activity until the board of directors approves your new "honey hole"

Copy sent to: Dowecrawlerandhow Law firm

Best Regards,

Purple Skeeter
President NCA

ps. After reviewing our membership records, we noticed your daughter is not a registered member. Please forward her membership fee to our headquarters and we will approve her membership at our next meeting. Untill that time, we ask that your daughter only observe your activity and not actually partake in the sport of crawlering. As you know, proper training ensures that future generations will have crawlers.

Edited by Purple Skeeter 4/17/2008 11:07 AM
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Posted 4/17/2008 10:09 PM (#68497 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: Re: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 64

Location: Winneconne
To: President, Vice President, CEO, and NCA board of directors
C.C.: dowecrawlerandhow Law Firm

To whom it may concern,
Id like to appeal your decision about my insubordination and here are my defenses.
1.) I'm pretty sure my said honey hole has already been mentioned in this forum in the previous pages, however, not to be accused of stealing someone elses fortune, this is a very large area, with plenty of room for ALL members of the NCA to pick without running over someone elses trawler lines, nets, etc. This area is very public, although there is a large area that must be considered a refuge, because there is a 7' stone wall surrounding it, with big lights to light the entire area.
2.) I sent my daughters membership application in last week with this years membership dues, I'm thinking the post man in Menasha was a bit disgruntled on delivery day and kept the wad of cash i sent. Id be willing to bet that youll get one of those sorry about your mail postcards they like to send out usually in the spring and fall when the new cabelas and bass pro catalogs come out where they claim their machines ate your mail and all that gets delivered is a few shreds of your mailing address.
thank you for your time in reviewing this case and im assuming that your decision will benefit everyone.


P.S. Id like to file a formal complaint against a fellow member of the NCA for cheating. As im sure your well aware, with the sky rocketing prices of gas, food, crawler bedding, and worm food, we need to try and create a level playing field in which i personally think Tyee is trying to stretch and bend the rules a bit. Im sure most of the people here on WF and the members of the NCA will agree that not everyone can afford 12" of fresh new top soil for their picking grounds. He also claims to have tagged crawlers in his domain, with this being his personal property, how can the rest of us members be sure he doesnt have them buried in this top soil in a vented coolwhip container and marked on his handheld GPS for this NCA championship he will be hosting at the end of the season?????????
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Posted 4/18/2008 7:54 PM (#68511 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: RE: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 1406

AHH But Jim I digress, I haven't submitted my field to the board for approval yet as stated in Section a, Subsection 2g ! It should be "ripe" for the picken come championship time. I am taking the year off of tourneys for obvious reasons as you can tell by the above photo. So no I won't be a participant and no I won't hide a container just below the surface for you either as others have asked, that would result in bannishment and said person would be subjected to penalties under Section 137, Subsection 2019.24 (see fine print) 25 lashings of a willow branch and branded with a hot poker scarring him for life as to prevent him from EVER participating in any organized event in the future.
Good Luck
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Mark Komo
Posted 4/19/2008 11:07 AM (#68526 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: Re: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 1195

Location: Orland Park, IL
I didnt realize there was a "minimum" distance required between NCA competitors. I am gonna try and make the rules meeting. Sounds likes some changes coming through.
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