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Regional Walleye Fishing -> Winnebago Walleyes -> Crawlering...... reports
Message Subject: Crawlering...... reports
Posted 12/29/2008 11:33 AM (#76046 - in reply to #76013)
Subject: RE: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 3899

I'm going in for an MRI on my right index finger tomorrow. The results of that will help determine whether I decide to compete again next year. Knowing my body like I do, something is not right. My first joint in the index hurts, and sometimes the back of my hand has pain, and my ulnar, too. Somethings not right, and I'm not sure if I want to have surgerys just to keep competing.Maybe you all think I'm washed up, and old and gray. Maybe that's the case. I didn't really enjoy this past year, after sitting out the whole off season, just riding in my boat, and buying crawlers from the local kids. I didn't keep myself in shape, and certainly didn't learn anything new in this new system. I just went back to the old grab and pull style that worked for so long in my last circuit. I'll make sure my sources leak out more info as it comes to mind.
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Posted 12/29/2008 11:44 AM (#76048 - in reply to #76046)
Subject: RE: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 219

Awe c'mon Shep, you know as well as the rest of us that you really don't have any say in the matter.
Mrs Shep will make the decision, and you'll live with it this time too!!!
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Posted 12/29/2008 3:00 PM (#76057 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: RE: Crawlering...... reports

ya, don't worry Shep it'll be allright. All your complain' has gotten the director fired! I heard a rumor today that the NCA is meeting on New Years to discuss a name change apparently there were a few vocal people tied to Petc that have banned together in the dark to discuss the new and improved NCRA.

Good Luck
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Purple Skeeter
Posted 12/29/2008 4:27 PM (#76058 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: RE: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 885

Rumors and reprehensible innuendos... it happens about this time every year. A high profile organization such as the NCA has just come to expect this behavior from a few of its thousands.. err... hundreds of thousands of members.

Let me just assure everyone that member that my wife, Morgan Fairchild and I are doing just fine and as soon as the snow melts in mid June, we'll be back to our headquarters in Wisconsin.

Your President....

Edited by Purple Skeeter 12/29/2008 4:29 PM
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Posted 12/29/2008 4:50 PM (#76061 - in reply to #76058)
Subject: RE: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 219

I heard that the 'Pres' and the Mrs, are in Washington lobbying for a bailout.
Also heard that they took the Crawler Association's private Yacht!!!!!
You would think that those CEO's would learn...
Oh well, he probably has a Purple parachute too....
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Posted 1/2/2009 8:48 AM (#76204 - in reply to #76061)
Subject: RE: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 701

Location: upper michigan
Due to increasing preasure from anti baitpickers the NCA and NLA ( national leach association ) has come together and formed a new organization. NBPA (national bait pickers association) for just $100 a year you can help protect your right to pick bait and your right to carry and bear flashlights. With this you will recieve a number you can display and your name on your tournament picking vehicle. Curently we can only accept money orders but hope to be able to accept credit cards in the near future. For more information please feal free to ask questions here but due to lots of traveling it may be 2 to 3 weeks before I can get a reply to your questions.
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Purple Skeeter
Posted 1/8/2009 8:58 PM (#76423 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: RE: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 885

Wanted to show you guys my new rig for crawlering, I can't even begin to explain what 1/2 this stuff means, but I had a gift certificate for Cabelas and it was the only thing I could think of.... just imagine, 3700 Degree Kelvin LED Chipset. I can't wait the ground thaws. I got the 6 volt model, I did not think I could handle the 9 or 12 volt model, Plus the 12 volt model requires that you carry around a car battery and is designed for Chuck Norris. Anyone know what the record for crawlering 12 hours at 80 lumens?

Experience the color you've been missing - join the personal-light-source revolution. Our exclusive U.D.I. (Ultra Definition Illumination) LED technology combines the intense, color-accurate output of Xenon lamps with the lower operation temperatures and long-running efficiency of LEDs. By modifying the traditional LED design to emit light only in specific color spectrums, the high-intensity beam reveals true target colors. Our engineering partners packaged this cutting-edge technology into these rugged, field-ready flashlights. The high-intensity, 3700° Kelvin LED chipset has a detail-defining Color Rendering Index (CRI) of 80 (out of 100). This CRI rating indicates a superior true color light source. All electronics are housed inside an O-ring-sealed chamber for complete moisture protection. The precision-molded nylon body provides a comfortable all-weather grip. Tail-end on/off switch positively clicks between high and low light modes. By twisting the end cap, the light is instantly disabled for no-flash safety. Pre-focused aluminum reflector.

6-volt - Powered by two CR-123A batteries (included). Runs up to 12 hours at 80 lumens; 26 hours at 30 lumens. Weight: 3.8 oz.
9-volt - Powered by three CR-123A batteries (included). Runs up to 8 hours at 135 lumens; 18 hours at 50 lumens. Weight: 5.2 oz.
12-volt - Powered by four CR-123A batteries (included). Runs up to 6 hours at 176 lumens; 14 hours at 80 lumens. Weight: 6.6 oz.

Purpleless Skeeter

Edited by Purple Skeeter 1/8/2009 9:06 PM

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Posted 4/9/2009 2:22 PM (#80000 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: RE: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 1406

We are nearing the begining of the season and everyone is clamoring for a piece of the action. Seems the economy has organizations still trying to fill their roster, yet some are finding enough to participate. The simple life is more appealing to many and Mattresses and Freezers are stuffed with funds that were intended for retirement. The newly formed organization will give opportunities to those with minimal funds the opportunity to play without having to worry about the well being of their catch.

So come one come all join the NCRA (we don't need a stimulous package or govt bailout money...just your money) and wave your cool whip containers proudly as the first heavy rain storm will flood the streets signaling the start of the National Crawler Release Association. At the NCRA you don't have to worry about your crawler ever ending up with a sharp barbed wire getting stuck through it's nose and will never be drowned only to be eaten by a swimming creature, as they are all released into a reserve off limits to flashlights. If you haven't already paid your annual dues or tourney registration fees, I will gladly accept them. Once you've become a paid member you will be invited to share in the rules making process!

Good Luck

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Posted 4/9/2009 8:26 PM (#80011 - in reply to #80000)
Subject: RE: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 141

Location: Oshkosh, WI
I'm setting up a webcam in my backyard to stream live crawler action 24/7. Right now I am trying to work out a system so I can show them during the day under ground. Once I get it perfected, I going to outdo that other cam site... I hope everybody will bookmark the page for my new venture. www.crawlercam.com
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Purple Skeeter
Posted 4/19/2009 10:54 PM (#80440 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: Re: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 885

Aprin 19th, I was awaken this evening by a gentle tap, tap, tap of rainfall on my skylights... I found it very hard to sleep just knowing the crawlers are getting ready to spawn on my lawn any day. Ohhhhh yaaa baby, it's about to get started, but wait, it's Wisconsin and the outside temp has gone from 75 to 25 degrees in 24 hours. Guess I'll have to go back to sleep and wait for warmer weather.

ZZZZ ZZZZZ dreaming of a double header zzzzz zzz zz z
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Posted 4/20/2009 7:51 AM (#80448 - in reply to #80440)
Subject: Re: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 3899

Squished a lot of crawlers this morning on the way to work. Actually had to drive more careful, as the amount of crawlers made stopping and turning an adventure! Like driving on banana peels!
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Posted 4/21/2009 6:14 PM (#80549 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: RE: Crawlering...... reports

are you guys for real, i'm starting to beleive this crawlering cult thing you got going on here. funny funny stuff! were do i send my membership form? i want some of this sweet action you all so speak of.
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Posted 4/21/2009 6:17 PM (#80550 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: RE: Crawlering...... reports

are you guys for real, i'm starting to beleive this crawlering cult thing you got going on here. funny funny stuff! were do i send my membership form? i want some of this sweet action you all so speak of.
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Purple Skeeter
Posted 4/21/2009 7:48 PM (#80557 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: RE: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 885

Attention: NCA Members

The board of directors need to schedule a meeting to elect officers for the 2009-2010 season. The meeting will take place at Michaels in Menasha, beverages will be served, dinner is optional. Please get back to me with a date that will work for current board members. This meeting is mandatory and attendence is required!

Be prepared to discuss: Bag limits, slot limits, catch and release tournament guidelines and other important stuff.

Cut here --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Please print this message and show just the top portion to your spouse to get a free pass to get out of the house. Let me know if it works!!

Purple Skeeter
President NCA

Edited by Purple Skeeter 4/21/2009 7:50 PM
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Posted 4/22/2009 9:39 AM (#80566 - in reply to #80557)
Subject: RE: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 3899

Worked for me! Just about any week night would be OK with me. Please, not the Friday beofre the Southern opener. The Friday beforew the Fox River Classic might work. Wade could attend then..
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Posted 4/23/2009 7:54 AM (#80601 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: RE: Crawlering...... reports

Im planning on saturday night.. its suppose to rain with 80 degreee temps!
nice weather for picking a few flats for the season
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Posted 4/24/2009 12:32 PM (#80653 - in reply to #80557)
Subject: RE: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 1314

Location: Menasha, WI
Weeknight is probably best for me too. Set a date and time and I'll try to get a pass from headquarters.
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Posted 4/25/2009 11:18 PM (#80716 - in reply to #80653)
Subject: Re: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 64

Location: Winneconne
I need to file a complaint with the NCA................
my wife called me this morning on the way to work(7:15am), and said some yahoo was out in the middle of hwy 15, at the start of the 4 lane in Greenville, with a putty knife and bucket picking up crawlers. My semi professional point of view is, this is, or should be considered an unlawful way of picking crawlers............I think it is a outta town tourney guy trying to cheat his way to the top.............i mean for cripes sakes, picking crawlers in the broad day light???? what gives?? is this truly a sportsmans way of collecting bait?? on a state highway nonetheless.............with no hi viz reflective clothing??? hes giving us all a bad name............

Edited by wannagopro 4/25/2009 11:19 PM
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Posted 4/26/2009 5:42 AM (#80720 - in reply to #80716)
Subject: Re: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 2393

Location: Waukesha Wisconsin

I take offense those statements. I guy's gotta do what a guy's gotta do to survive in these tough economic times. Now I suppose you'll turn me in for trying to make a couple of bucks by selling those exceptional crawlers under the table to marketeers ............. er, I mean family.
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Posted 4/26/2009 6:34 AM (#80721 - in reply to #80720)
Subject: Re: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 2393

Location: Waukesha Wisconsin
Coming soon...........


Announcing your best resource for Crawlering. This new web site will include:

Discussion Forums for all tournaments
Live Tournament coverage
Crawler Discussion Forums
Calendar of Events

AND, you'll be able to buy all your crawler needs on line at great savings. Look for specialty items like:

Electric generator with enough probes to do a one acre partial in less than 1/2 hour Guaranteed.
Official crawler head lamps
Official crawler collection buckets
Official crawler bedding

Be the first in your area to purchase the official crawler bible called: "Confessions of a Night Stalker" by Dennis Skurulsky

The first 25 members who sign up for the web site will receive the new bumper sticker: "Shut Up and Pick".

Exciting times for the world of crawlering. This site is sanctioned by the NCA (National Crawler Association)

Watch for future press releases about the new tournament series called: CAN’T (Crawler Association Night Tournaments). This new format will include evolutional changes in the world of crawler tournaments like:

Live release with digital camera weigh-ins
250% guaranteed payback
Free entry fees for all amateurs
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Purple Skeeter
Posted 4/26/2009 9:45 AM (#80735 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: Re: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 885


Picking crawlers on Hwy 15 gives me an idea for a new Crawler Reality show... "Deadliest Catch, Crawler Style" Just imagine the camera crews following several teams onto the highway and filming the action, I gotta patient that idea!!


"Shut Up and Pick"

Got a good belly laugh from that one!

Purple Skeeter
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Posted 4/26/2009 12:12 PM (#80744 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: Re: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 174

Who is selling the " Official Ruler" for this one??
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Posted 4/26/2009 1:05 PM (#80748 - in reply to #80744)
Subject: Re: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 3899


There were so many people beeping their horns at me, I don't know which was your wife! Let me know, and next time I'll launch a spatula full onto her windshield for you!
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Posted 4/26/2009 2:27 PM (#80753 - in reply to #43490)
Subject: RE: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 1406

Dennis, "Confessions of a night stalker" I especially liked the chapter on being exiled to a hotel overseas to perfect this practice?

I picked a dozen flats in broad daylight in the parking lot this morning. After the first pail full my back was ruined for a few hours, which dropped me into second place to the neighbor kids, then I pulled out the secret weapon after recovering in the hot tub! The custom garage creeper with heavy duty castors! increased mobility 100% and I took the lead after only 1.5 hours. It was a cool site, even the local paper stopped by to see my new rig and get a few photos for next weeks edition. The next project is to finish the design on the crawler picker for us old guys to save our backs. It's a modified tool found at retirement homes. Patent IS pending!

Good Luck

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Posted 4/26/2009 10:21 PM (#80777 - in reply to #80748)
Subject: Re: Crawlering...... reports


Posts: 64

Location: Winneconne
Shep - 4/26/2009 1:05 PM


There were so many people beeping their horns at me, I don't know which was your wife! Let me know, and next time I'll launch a spatula full onto her windshield for you!

Im not one to point fingers or throw anyone under the bus, but i was suspecting it was you, afterall, it is your home town
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